The limits of my language mean the limits of my world. Межі моєї мови означають межі мого світу (Людвіг Вітгенштейн). How many languages you know, so many times you are a man. Скільки мов ти знаєш – стільки разів ти людина (Йоганн Вольфганг фон Ґете). A different language is a different vision of life. Інша мова - це інше бачення життя (Фредеріко Фелліні). Who does not know foreign languages does not know anything about his own.Хто не знає іноземних мов, нічого не знає і про свою власну (Гете). To have another language is to possess a second soul.Володіти іншою мовою - це як мати другу душу. (Карл Великий).

The construction of building

Nowadays the building is completed in concrete , prestressed concrete, steel, plastics, foamed glass & bricks.

  • First the excavator is dug for the basement. Then the foundation walls below ground level are constructed.

  • After this the framework is erected & clothed with various finishing materials & protected by several coats of paint.

  • The floors, walls, roofs & other parts of the building must be carefully designed & proportioned.

  • The architect must decide what the size of the walls, the floors, the beams, the girders will be & how they will be placed & arranged.
  • Every building should be provided with water, electricity, ventilation & heating systems. The water supply & sewerage systems are called plumbing An estimate must be calculated after which the builders , work can be started .

  • Among building professions you can come across: carpenter, bricklayer (mason), plumber, electrician, house painter, concrete layer, slater, roofer, welder, fitter, glazier & many more.

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